It's getting colder in Helsingborg, the temperature is around 5 - 8 deg C tonight, it is only slight dark, although it is nearby midnight...
Tonight, we'd took our dinner with the Nederman's principal on the ferry that travel within Helsingborg (Sweden) to Helsingor (Denmark). The distance between these 2 country is just like the distance of Georgetown and Penang Island, around 30minutes ferry trip.
I love sea, because they provide very me nice seafood, so for this dinner, I'd order 'fish'. For the appetizer, they'd serve the mixed-seafood, the volume is a lot, and it's just like the main course. Beside Japanese, Swedish loves wasabi too, and their wasabi is not as spicy as Japanese one, the white sauce on this dish is the Swedish wasabi. I'd addicted to it, and I eat the Swedish version wasabi, almost on every meal. The smoked salmon is very fresh, it looks raw, but it is well done.
Here comes the main course, the fry salmon, Helsingborg is nearby sea, so the seafood is just toooooooooo fresh, and it is perfecto!!! I'm not sure what the white sauce is, but it is bit creamy and nice with the salmon.
The dessert is this vanilla + strawberry ice-cream. It is too sweet, I found that Swedish loves sweet stuff, because lots of their side dish/ dessert is extremely sweet. I did not finished this, it's toooooo sweet.
For this dinner, it took us to travel between Sweden and Denmark,twice... picture on the left shown the same ferry that we took for this dinner.
Thanks Lotta for bringing us the wonderful dine and the hospitality.